Spurcroft Primary School and Nursery
The future begins here...
Our school gates open at 8.35am, children should arrive in the 10 minutes between 8.35-8.45am. If arriving on site children should wait with their responsible adults in the playground until classroom doors open. Please do not leave children unattended on the school site unless they walk themselves to and from school.
Classroom doors open at 8.45am. Children are welcomed into class by their teachers to complete their early morning classroom work or activities.
Our school gates close 8.55am. Please ensure you have dropped your child off at the classroom door and have left the school grounds by this time.
Registration ends 8.55am. Following this any children arriving should come straight to the school reception and are recorded as 'late'.
Registration closes 9.30am and children are recorded as unauthorised if we have not been informed of a reason for their absence by this time.
At the end of the day all of our classes finish at 3.15pm and children should be collected from their outside classroom doors at this time.
Total hours 32.5